Posted in Jewish Studies, Passover

Ma Nishtanah – Part 4

Question #4:

On all other nights we eat sitting or leaning …

But on this night, we all lean!

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין בֵּין יוֹשְׁבִין וּבֵין מְסֻבִּין

הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה, הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה כֻּלָּנוּ מְסֻבִּין


Here is the Flip grid link to record yourself or you can send Morah Shira a video if that is easier.

If you haven’t yet, you can also sing the whole song from the beginning!


Posted in Jewish Studies, Kindergarten, Passover

Ma Nishtanah – Part 3

Question #3:

On all other nights we  do not our dip vegetables even once…

Why on this night, do we dip them twice?

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אֵין אָנוּ מַטְבִּילִין אַפִלּוּ פַּעַם אַחַת

הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה, הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה שְׁתֵּי פְּעָמִים


Please practice the 3rd question and record yourself singing here:

Posted in Jewish Studies, Passover

Ma Nishtana? Part 2

Question #2:

On all other nights we eat many different kinds of vegetables…why on this night do we eat maror (a bitter vegetable)

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אָנוּ אוֹכְלִים שְׁאָר יְרָקוֹת

הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה, הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה מָרוֹר, מָרוֹר

Maror - Kosher Spirit

Please practice the 2nd question and record yourself singing here:

Posted in Jewish Studies, Passover

Ma Nishtanah? What is Different?

This week we will focus on really learning the 4 questions so that the yeladim will be ready to shine at their Passover Seders.

I have broken the song down into small chunks (this is how we learn in class)

Question #1:

What is different on this night from all other nights?

Every night we can eat Chametz or Matzah…Why on this night do we only eat Matzah?

מַה נִּשְׁתַּנָּה הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה מִכָּל הַלֵּילוֹת?

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אָנוּ אוֹכְלִים חָמֵץ וּמַצָּה;

הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה, הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה כֻּלּוֹ מַצָּה.

Passover, you really need to step it up. - Mayahood

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Please practice and record yourself singing in the Flipgrid link below.

Each day we will add another question to practice.

Posted in Jewish Studies, Passover

Instructions for Haggadah She’li

Passover is getting closer. We have learned the story of Moses and how the Jewish people were slaves in Egypt in the Torah.

Here is a cute version I made with my class at Ganon Preschool.

Many of these students are now at The OJCS in Grade 1. Do you recognize them?

We are going to be creating our own Haggadah to use at our Family Seders. It is a pretty long book to make because the Seder is long and has a lot of steps to do in order. Each page is one of the steps.

The link to print the Haggadah is in the calendar. and also here:

I recommend trying to finish 2 pages a day in order to be ready for the Leyl HaSeder.

  1. Cut out the face on all except the last page. You only need to cut 3 sides (cut the top off altogether).  It is ok if your parents help you. There are 13 heads to cut!
  2. On the last page glue a photo of your face over the oval shape.
  4. Now do your best to colour the pages neatly. You can also glue textured materials such as tissue paper, felt, jewels or whatever you have at home. Make it special so you can use it again next year!
  5. I recommend putting the pages in clear page protectors in a duotang. This will keep them safe from food and grape juice spills during the Seder.

I can’t wait to see them! You can show and tell me about it with this Flipgrid code:

Posted in Jewish Studies, Uncategorized



Here are recordings of our daily tefillah for you to practice along with at home.

I will add new tefillot next week.

Modeh Ani

Torah Torah


Adon Olam

Posted in Jewish Studies

Alef-Bet Yoga

Boker Tov!

Get ready to stretch and move your bodies while learning the Alef-Bet with some yoga poses inspired by Ruth Goldeen in her book, Alef-Bet Yoga for Kids.

While doing the poses, remember to say the letter’s name and make its sound. 

א- silent

בּ- Bbb like a B

ג- Ggg like a hard G

ד-Ddd like a D

ה- Hhh like an H

ו- Vvv like a V

ז- Zzz like a Z

ח- Ch ch ch like you are clearing your throat

ט- Ttt like a T

י- Yyy like a Y

כ- Ch ch ch like you are clearing your throat

ל- Lll like an L

מ- Mmm like an M

נ- Nnn like an N

ס- Sss like an S

ע- Silent

פּ- Ppp like a P

צ- Tz tz tz

ק- Kkk like a K

ר- Rrr like an R

שׁ- Shh like you are shushing

ת- Ttt like a T

Here are the poses:


Posted in French Studies, General Studies, Jewish Studies

Virtual Kindergarten Teaching

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Welcome to the blogpost for our virtual classroom information.  As we navigate through this together, we want you to know that we are all doing this for the first time.  However we are very well prepared due to our past two years of training at OJCS.  Please use the comment part of the blog to provide any feedback that you may have.  As you use our class schedule you may choose to complete different activities at different times and the our schedule has been designed accordingly.  We are aware that considering the age of your children, not all of the various activities may be completed, however having some structure will be great for everyone.  All of this will begin on Wednesday March 18th as we begin our soft launch. 

Make sure that your children still go outdoors for fresh air, to keep them healthy and moving .

Our suggestion is to keep all of your children’s work, be it a drawing, an activity from a website, etc. in a folder and we will talk about it when we all return.  Another option is to take a picture and we can share this on Google Meet or whatever virtual way we find works best.

Thanks for all your support in advance.

Your Kindergarten Team.

Here is week one  March 18th-March 20th


Our first Activity for Flipgrid has been added.

We already have our flip grid code ojcskinder1

Here are the instructions to log into FlipGrid:


  1. Open up Flipgrid App on iPad or go to
  2. Enter Flip code: ojcskinder1
  3. Click on login with google
  4. Use ojcs email:  password: OJCSkinder1
  5. Select the topic you want to contribute to from the drop down menu


6. Click the big green plus sign to add a video. 


Here is the Vooks link for Reading

Here are the Scholastic Learn at home Links: This allows for differentiation




Here is a unit on addition.

I suggest about 15 – 20 minutes out of the block to practice this unit on math.  If Khan Academy works well for you I will post the next unit next week. Please feel free to choose larger or smaller numbers to work with. It starts as basic as up to 5 and goes up to double digit. Starting at an easier level will at least help you learn how to navigate this program.   Start with the lesson that will teach the class to you. Then complete the practice. Differentiation  is the beauty of this program.

For those who wish there is an app called Khan Academy for Kids which is child friendly and fun to do.

You will see highlighted links to Google Hangouts Meet at specific times during the day. These are all linked to your child’s google account ( We will be trying to do this with both classes at the same time to help families with more than one child at home. You will be receiving an online tutorial on how to use Google Hangouts Meet by later today or early tomorrow.


Below the Activity portions there are also highlighted links for Flipgrid, Slides, PDFs and other activities. These are where you will find what your child requires for the day. If printing is required for a specific activity, you may want to do it prior to the start of our day.


If and when you have questions throughout the “school day” you are encouraged to contact us via Google Hangouts, which is open when you are on your child’s OJCS email Homepage. It is located on the left or right side of your screen. To begin a live chat:

          1. Click on the plus symbol
          2. Enter teacher’s first name or email
          3. Choose the correct person from the dropdown menu and a new chat window will open.
          4. You can now begin to type, or press the video icon to begin a video chat.


Finally, we will be keeping the Parent Teacher Conferences as scheduled, using the above Google Hangouts method, so please be sure you are in your child’s account. If you do not remember your child’s password please contact us via email. 


Posted in Jewish Studies

Because it’s Adar, Adar, Adar, Adar …

Kindergarten students are getting ready for a whole lot of fun…because it’s Adar!

A month of happiness and celebration.

We have been learning many new songs, playing new games, and discussing some serious topics such as:

Who is a hero?

Stay tuned for our next questions…

What does it mean to be brave?

When was a time when you felt brave?

Why are we thinking about bravery and heros?

Because on Purim, Queen Esther and uncle Mordechai had to be brave to save all of the Jewish people from the wicked Haman, of course!

We have been reading and acting out the story with puppets. Each version is a little bit different and we have been noting the similarities and differences in each one.

Here is a short video summarizing the story:

This one of the new songs we learned, featured in this week’s Shabbat 7: 


Leitzan katan nechmad,

Roked im kol echad.

Leitzan katan sheli,

Ulai tirkod iti?

Ulai, ulai, ulai tirkod iti?

Ulai, ulai, ulai tirkod iti?


ליצן קטן נחמד

ליצן קטן נחמד

רוקד עם כל אחד.

ליצן קטן שלי

אולי תרקוד איתי

אולי, אולי, אולי תרקוד איתי

אולי, אולי, אולי תרקוד איתי

Don’t forget…Monday is crazy Hair/Hat day! 

Have a Shabbat Shalom!!!

Morah Shira and the Kindergarten Team