Posted in Francais, French Resources, French Studies, Next Steps

Fun French activities (books, music and games) to do at home with your child

Dear Parents, 

I’m sharing today some ideas of things you can do to bring French alive in your home and to support your child in becoming more familiar, comfortable and connected to the French language and culture.  At this point, it’s all about exposure.

1. Consider borrowing a few books in French to look at together at home:  It can be a simple vocabulary book related to the seasons, the colors, animals, or maybe a story that they already know in English that has been translated into French. For example, The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (La Chenille qui fait des trous) or Red is Best by Kathy Stinson (Le Rouge c’est bien mieux).

2. Listen to music in French:  Below are 6 songs some of which your children are already familiar with that you could add to your playlist! 

Angèle Arsenault – Luc va à l’école – Jacqueline Lemay – Edith Butler – “C’est la récréation”

As-Tu Connu Pipo Pipo

Pirouette, cacahuète – Il était un petit homme

La neige tombe sur mon nez❄️DES COMPTINES ET DES SIGNES❄️Comptine signée pour les enfants❄️Hiver❄️

And, other great classic French songs: 

Sur le pont d’Avignon – Les Amis de Boubi (Comptines pour enfants)

Alouette | Easy French Song for Kids

3. Play some online activities and games: – here is a great resource to review vocabulary (colors, fruit and vegetables, numbers, etc). Your child can listen to the audio and repeat the word. They can also play some fun and simple games! – this is a child-friendly French language site with games, storytelling and educational programming.  It has been specifically designed for preschool age children.  

So there you have it, some simple, fun and accessible activities to try with your children. Enjoy, amusez-vous!  



Posted in Francais, French Studies

SK French Update

Chers Parents,

As we approach the end of November, I wanted to share a little recap of what the children have been doing in our French class since September.

We started the year with learning to say hello and goodbye in French and how to say your name. Everyday I start by saying bonjour to each child in French as a way to connect and to reinforce the ability to greet someone in French.

To learn/review the colors we have played color matching games and puzzles, movement activities and the children worked hard on completing a full color booklet!


It’s been wonderful exploring the Fall season with the children.  Through our songs, hands on and art activities, they have learned new vocabulary while at the same time enjoying this beautiful time of year. The children had fun dissecting apples, building apple trees with popsicle sticks, pompoms and toilet paper rolls and collecting leaves outside to make leaf rubbings.


Here’s the vocabulary that we have focused on for the Fall:

L’automne, les pommes, le pommier, l’arbre, les feuilles, les feuilles tombent, orange, rouge et jaune

…and the songs we sang:

Luc va a l’ecole:

Michaud est monte dans un grand pommier:

C’est l’automne:

In addition to these units of exploration, we are now also incorporating letter work activities to our French time and this week we have been doing activities related to music and musical instruments.

Everyday the children are getting more and more comfortable speaking French and are making connections between French and the other languages they know.  It’s wonderful to witness their understanding growing.  Bravo, les amis!

Posted in Francais, French Studies, Uncategorized

French Language Summer Time Fun!

Dear Parents,

Here are some French resources, activities and games that you and your child can enjoy together this summer.  I encourage you to use these as a way to keep your child connected to the French language in a fun and playful way!

Online Resources: – here is a great resource to review vocabulary (colors, fruit and vegetables, numbers, etc). Your child can listen to the audio and repeat the word. They can also play some fun and simple games! – this is a very child-friendly French language site with games, storytelling and educational programming.  It has been specifically designed for preschool age children.  I highly recommend exploring this site! 

Online Shows: 

Tchoupi à l’école: – short, 7 minute episodes relatable topics for the children.  Even if the children do not understand everything, they can still follow along, while at the same time developing an ear for the French sounds.  

Les nouvelles aventures de Caillou 

Online Activity Sheets: – you will find here fun and accessible activity sheets related to the alphabet, numbers, the seasons, and other various themes that you may want to include in your French summer activities.    


Some of the songs we sang that you could add to your summer playlist: 

Michaud est monté dans un grand pommier

Sur le pont d’Avignon

C’est un petit oiseau

Nous sommes Les musiciens

Hands-on game: 

As a way to review or learn new vocabulary, you can play a “Bring Me” game:

Choose a category: colors, food, kitchen items, numbers… Ask your child to bring you something in your home environment from the category you choose.

For example:


“Apporte-moi une pomme (bring me an apple), apporte-moi une orange (bring me an orange), apporte-moi une banane (bring me a banana), apporte-moi un ananas (bring me a pineapple), apporte une fraise (bring me a strawberry) etc.

Kitchen Items:

“Apporte-moi une cuillere, (bring me a spoon), apporte-moi une fourchette (bring me a fork), apporte-moi un bol (bring me a bowl), apporte-moi un bol (bring me a bowl), etc.

At the end of the game, you can ask your child to name the objects he/she brought you.


Voilà, have a wonderful summer and see you in the Fall!

Posted in Francais, French Studies

End of Year Senior Kindergarten French Update, Au revoir et Merci!

Dear Parents/Chers Parents, 

It’s hard to believe the end of the school year is HERE! It’s been a wonderful year with the SK children and I have savored these last days with them!

Since our temporary move to KBI after the Passover break, the children have been enjoying the following themes: 

 Les Fleurs du Printemps (Spring Flowers)  

Over a couple of weeks, the children were introduced to a new flower everyday – la tulipe, la violette, le lilas, le muguet et le pissenlit. For each flower, the children learned the name in French, drew the actual flower, colored it and stamped the name of the flower beside their drawing.  They also had a lot of fun going outside to gather bouquets of dandelions.  For the tulip, we learned about Holland’s yearly gift of tulips to Ottawa and the children painted a beautiful field of tulips using a dot painting approach.  We completed this unit by learning about les parties de la fleur (parts of the flower).  Next spring, your children will be able to identify some of the spring flowers, en francais!

Here’s a song children singing a spring song about a little bird:


La Nourriture (Food)

For our food unit, the children learned about 4 main food groups (les groupes alimentaires).  They did a lot of sorting using make-believe food and food images in order to become familiar with the food groups.  Learning about the names of the food as well as the food groups in french was not easy, but they rose to the challenge.  We also explored what constitutes a healthy meal.  For a fun hands-on activity they made a delicious fruit salad. 


In order to for them to make concrete connections with the language, we did an exercise where they had to say: 

“Je mange une pomme”… and once they had said the sentence, I gave them a piece of an apple to enjoy!    

Listen to these videos of a few children saying: Je mange une pomme

Here’s a song that we sang to go along with our food theme: 

J’aime les fruits

Les Lettres  

We have continued to learn the sounds of the French alphabet through various activities.  To help the children develop an ear for the sounds, I’d say a list of words, some that started with the target sound, some that did not. The children had to stand up when they heard a word that began with the sound, and stay seated when the word did begin with the sound we were working on.   

Please keep an eye out for the children’s letter booklets that I am sending home today.  Over the summer, I encourage you to read through these with your children.

Le Shabbat

Here are some pictures of an activity that the children did to become familiar with Shabbat terms in French.  The children drew a picture of the Shabbat table, then labelled the items with the French terms. They shared their work with the other children in the class by presenting their drawings and naming the Shabbat items in French. Bravo, les amis!



I wish you and your children all a great summer!  Thank you for all your support and for everything you do to ensure your children are ready to learn, play and grow at OJCS!

Posted in Francais, French Studies

Franco Fête and SK French Update

Chers parents,

It was wonderful to see all of you at our Franco Fête evening last week.  The children worked hard to prepare for our performance, while still having fun and enjoying the experience of putting together a presentation for an audience.  Bravo, les enfants!

Other activities for the week of Franco Fête included a fun afternoon of French activities, that we wrapped up with a delicious snack of croissant and hot chocolate. We also learned about making maple syrup and associated terms (le sirop d’érable, la cabane à sucre, la tire d’érable, l’eau d’érable, etc.).  We are lucky to have our own maple syrup expert here at OJCS, Miss Beswick, who came into our class to share with the children how she makes maple syrup on her family property.

Franco Fête: on joue au Bingo!
Franco Fête: Obstacle Course
Building a sugar shack/la cabane à sucre
Une autre cabane à sucre!
“La cabane à sucre” drawing
Printing and learning about maple syrup terms

On another note, the children are progressing well with learning the sounds of the French alphabet.  We typically focus on one new sound every week, and through hands-on activities, learn words that start with the first sound of the letter. The children finish with making a booklet for the sound learned.   Starting this week, they will have the chance to share and read their booklets with the Grade One students.

Here’s a link to a few of the letter videos that we have watched, that you may also wish to watch with your child:

Lettre D

Lettre E

Lettre O

A bientot!





Posted in Art, Francais, French Studies

B comme Boucle Art Project

Hello SK Parents,

Last week, as part of our work with la lettre B, the children were introduced to the word boucle (a loop).  We then looked at the art pieces of Alexander Calder who was known for drawing loops and painting them with primary colors.

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The children were invited to draw their own Alexander Calder type piece.


You will find their beautiful art work in their Note-tote.  Enjoy!





Posted in Francais, French Studies

Les Couleurs (Learning Colors)

Dear SK Parents,

During this first term, we have played with getting to know colors in our French classes:

Red: Rouge   
Vert: Green
Blue:  Bleu   
Purple: Violet
Yellow: Jaune
White: Blanc
Pink: Rose 

As a way of learning the words for the colors, the children colored objects in a booklet, which I’m sending home with them this week. I invite you to have a look at them.  Together, you  can go over colors as it will help your child in remembering them.

You could even extend this by playing a little game where you ask your child to bring you something rouge, something bleu or something vert, etc.

Please post any comments or let us know if you have questions.

Wishing you and your family an enjoyable and restful Winter break.

Madame Maryse


Posted in Francais, French Resources, French Studies

French Kindergarten Songs and More…

Hello Everyone,

Here’s a little peek at what we’ve been doing during French in Senior Kindergarten and how you as a parent at home can participate in your child’s learning. 

The children have been learning to introduce themselves (je m’appelle __________) and basic daily greetings (bonjour, au revoir).

We sing songs everyday. Listening to them and singing them with your child is a helpful and fun way to expand their learning at home.

Here are three theme songs from our class:

  1. “Luc va à l’école” , a song about a boy who takes his dog to school with him. The children act out the story with puppets they made, which helps them understand what they are singing and learn the vocabulary in a fun way.
  2. “Michaud est monté dans un grand pommier” This was the theme song for our unit on apples (“les pommes”). The children like the action in the song.
  3. “Au revoir, goodbye, sayonara, shalom” a lovely farewell song that we sing at the end of our time together each day.

Once or twice a month, I will post something to keep you up to date and help you participate in your child’s learning of French. As I spoke about at the Parent Night, making it a fun, playful experience will encourage student confidence in their ability to learn and desire to speak the French language. Exposure to simple everyday language and French songs will make the language real and relevant to them.

A few pictures from the unit on “les pommes”  

Sharing an apple snack together and learning to say “C’est bon!” (“It’s good”)


Stamping with apples and learning to write “une pomme”


The children balancing apples on their “pommier” (apple tree).


Posted in École Enchantée, Reminders

École Enchanté – La Craie

This afternoon we experimented with “la craie” (chalk). We had thick and thin options, containers, wood pieces, and face molds. We explored what happens when chalk gets crushed, mixed with snow and ice, and we asked can it colour the same way on “la neige” (the snow) and “le trottoir” (the sidewalk)? Check out the photos to see what we discovered – including some sculptures from winter fun day!

We also celebrated la semaine de la Francophonie by writing messages and playing hopscotch en Francais! 

We will see you tomorrow for our school wide show. Please come dressed in blue jeans, a white shirt, and sneakers. We will meet at 6:20 pm in our classroom and walk to the gym together. À demain!