Posted in Francais, French Studies

Franco Fête and SK French Update

Chers parents,

It was wonderful to see all of you at our Franco Fête evening last week.  The children worked hard to prepare for our performance, while still having fun and enjoying the experience of putting together a presentation for an audience.  Bravo, les enfants!

Other activities for the week of Franco Fête included a fun afternoon of French activities, that we wrapped up with a delicious snack of croissant and hot chocolate. We also learned about making maple syrup and associated terms (le sirop d’érable, la cabane à sucre, la tire d’érable, l’eau d’érable, etc.).  We are lucky to have our own maple syrup expert here at OJCS, Miss Beswick, who came into our class to share with the children how she makes maple syrup on her family property.

Franco Fête: on joue au Bingo!
Franco Fête: Obstacle Course
Building a sugar shack/la cabane à sucre
Une autre cabane à sucre!
“La cabane à sucre” drawing
Printing and learning about maple syrup terms

On another note, the children are progressing well with learning the sounds of the French alphabet.  We typically focus on one new sound every week, and through hands-on activities, learn words that start with the first sound of the letter. The children finish with making a booklet for the sound learned.   Starting this week, they will have the chance to share and read their booklets with the Grade One students.

Here’s a link to a few of the letter videos that we have watched, that you may also wish to watch with your child:

Lettre D

Lettre E

Lettre O

A bientot!





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