Posted in Francais, French Resources, French Studies

French Kindergarten Songs and More…

Hello Everyone,

Here’s a little peek at what we’ve been doing during French in Senior Kindergarten and how you as a parent at home can participate in your child’s learning. 

The children have been learning to introduce themselves (je m’appelle __________) and basic daily greetings (bonjour, au revoir).

We sing songs everyday. Listening to them and singing them with your child is a helpful and fun way to expand their learning at home.

Here are three theme songs from our class:

  1. “Luc va à l’école” , a song about a boy who takes his dog to school with him. The children act out the story with puppets they made, which helps them understand what they are singing and learn the vocabulary in a fun way.
  2. “Michaud est monté dans un grand pommier” This was the theme song for our unit on apples (“les pommes”). The children like the action in the song.
  3. “Au revoir, goodbye, sayonara, shalom” a lovely farewell song that we sing at the end of our time together each day.

Once or twice a month, I will post something to keep you up to date and help you participate in your child’s learning of French. As I spoke about at the Parent Night, making it a fun, playful experience will encourage student confidence in their ability to learn and desire to speak the French language. Exposure to simple everyday language and French songs will make the language real and relevant to them.

A few pictures from the unit on “les pommes”  

Sharing an apple snack together and learning to say “C’est bon!” (“It’s good”)


Stamping with apples and learning to write “une pomme”


The children balancing apples on their “pommier” (apple tree).


“Homework” document

Below is a dynamic document that I will update routinely, containing tv shows, games, e-books and other relevant resources that may help support your child in his or her French education.