Last year, we introduced a new reading program at the OJCS and the kids in SK have just begun to explore it… It’s called Amplify Reading (or Boost as they know it) and we thought we’d share some important information (thanks to Mrs. Reichstein and Mrs. Thompson for the summary!) about how we are using it at school and how you can use it at home as well…
What is Amplify Reading?
Amplify is the reading platform (the umbrella company) that the OJCS purchased to enhance our current reading programs. We bought three programs for our school through Amplify, each explained below.
1. mClass – DIBELS 8 Assessment
2. Boost Reading
3. Boost Close Reading
Why did we choose Amplify?
It is the platform that most closely aligns with the evidence-based body of research referred to as the ‘Science of Reading’. The Science of Reading research shows the need for students to have word recognition skills (such as phonemic awareness, decoding skills through phonics, and reading fluency) and language comprehension (including knowledge of vocabulary, morphology, and syntax) in order to read and comprehend text.
1. mClass is the system that allows us to run the DIBELS 8 Assessment with all of our students in Grades K-3.
What is DIBELS?
DIBELS ® (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of literacy skills. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures that can be used to regularly detect risk and monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills. In SK, the DIBELS 8 assesses different skills such as, Phonemic Awareness, Sound Isolation, Decoding, and Word Reading. These results help us identify who is below, at, or above grade level in each skill and then target instruction (i.e. with small groups, resource support, etc.) accordingly. This is an assessment that is completed in class with the teacher, at least 3 times throughout the year, and it should also be noted that the DIBELS assessments are all timed tasks.
2. Boost Reading is the reading program licence we purchased for our students K-5. Boost Reading is a literacy acceleration and remediation program that uses adaptive technology to deliver personalized learning instruction for K–5 students. The engaging world of Boost Reading adapts to each unique reader. Boost Reading was authored with experts in literacy, cognitive science, learning, and instruction. It builds on well-established principles of effective instructional design and delivery, as well as new and cutting-edge research on how students learn to read. We have just introduced it at school and the kids will have access to it at least once a week in class.
Can my child use this program at home?
Yes, please!!! We will be sending a handout with your child’s log-in information home (in their Note Tote) later this week!! Get your child set up to use Boost Reading at home by making sure they have a set of headphones and a quiet place to play. Boost Reading is personalized to your child’s needs, so you don’t need to and you should NOT assist them with their learning. Once they log in, they’re ready to start using the program. Some students will begin with a placement activity that helps the program match them to the best content. To ensure the most accurate placement, it’s important that students complete each activity independently. It’s always helpful to encourage your student/child to have fun and do their best!
3. Boost Close Reading is the reading program licence we purchased for our students in Grades 6-8. You will receive more information about this as your child approaches those grades.
What will I see as a parent on progress/report cards?
For K-5 students, on the report card, teachers will share how a student is performing in various strands related to reading, including letter names and sounds, decoding and fluency. With data from the DIBELS assessment, the report cards will indicate whether the student is performing above grade, at grade or below grade level in each specific skill assessed. They will also share next steps to target skills that are still developing.
In advance of progress reports being sent home next week, you will receive an email in the coming days with a breakdown of your child’s Dibels 8 Beginning of Year assessment. It will include the current areas of focus for your child as well as suggestions for things you can do at home to support. Any questions?? Please feel free to reach out to Morah Andréa.
Friday, Nov. 1 – Dress Down Day for Biking for Bubbies (no uniforms required; send in your loonies and toonies to help support the amazing work that Hillel Lodge does)
Thursday, Nov. 7 –NOON DISMISSAL for Goal Setting Conferences
Friday, Nov. 8 – NO SCHOOL for Goal Setting Conferences
to Dani in KA who turned 5 on October 7th,
to Maya in KB who turned 5 on October 7th,
and to Riley who celebrated her birthday on October 16th!!