Posted in Reading, Reminders

Reading Buddies has begun… and some other important info

Today, SK got to participate in an OJCS tradition from pre-COVID times – we had our first meeting with our Grade 5 Reading Buddies!!  Each child is paired with one or two Grade 5 students and every two weeks, we will meet in the library to read together (in English & Hebrew!!), get to know each other, and to participate in some fun, community-building activities.  Be sure to ask your child to tell you about their time in the library today!!

Starting next week, we will be returning to another pre-COVID tradition of asking our SK families to provide challah for our weekly Shabbat celebrations.  As part of our weekly classroom jobs, we have a Chazan or Chazanit Hashavuah who helps lead the tefillot and our Kabbalat Shabbat.  We will be asking that each child bring a challah on their assigned Friday to share with their friends.  You will receive an email from Morah Andréa on the Monday before your child’s designated Shabbat.  In order to follow the school’s kashrut policy, the challah must be kosher, sealed with a hechsher and nut-free.  We recommend the challot from Loblaws College Square, Metro on Greenbank, or any Farmboy location.  Ordering from A Dashing Pinch or Creative Kosher are also welcomed options.

If you have any questions or concerns….


Friday, Nov. 4 – 3:00 pm Dismissal

Friday, Nov. 11– 2:00 pm Dismissal begins

Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)HAPPY BIRTHDAY Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)

to Zach who turns 5 on November 4th!!

Posted in General Studies, Math, Reminders

Introducing IXL

IXL Online Math Forum

IXL is an online forum that provides diagnostics of learning skills, promotes review, mastery and extensions of skills through practice, as well as providing students, teachers, and parents valuable information on student’s progress through grade data points.  We have just introduced IXL in the classroom and there will be a handout in your child’s backpack today that explains how to log in with your child’s login and password; if you need a reminder or have not received the handout, please contact Morah Andrea.  We will continue to use this program in class, but practice time at home is also encouraged! For a more in-depth tutorial on how to set up the program for your child as well as highlights of the program, check out these blog posts from our Math specialist, Mrs. Cleveland:

IXL: Online Math Forum for Personalized Learning

IXL: Four Highlights to Understand


This Friday, Dec. 17th is a special Pyjama Dress Down Day for the ALS Society of Canada as chosen by Grade 6…. Don’t forget to bring a loonie or toonie for tzedakah!!

Dismissal this Friday is at 2:00 pm.

Don’t forget to let us know if you need to pick up your Rapid Antigen Testing kit before we send them home on Friday.  We hope everyone has a wonderful winter break and we look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday, January 3, 2022.

The SK Team