Posted in General Studies, Jewish Studies, Math, Reading, Reminders

Highlights of the Week in SK

It’s been a wonderfully busy week in SK.  Here are some highlights of the week and some important reminders of upcoming events…

Both classes had their first meetings with their Grade 5 Reading Buddies this week!! Each child is paired with one or two Grade 5 students and every few weeks, we will meet in the library to read together, get to know each other, and to participate in some fun, community-building activities.  Be sure to ask your child to tell you about their new buddies!!

This week has been all about a favourite fall food, APPLES!!!  SK has learned about the Life Cycle of an apple, participated in a variety of apple math activities and we even did an apple taste test, comparing how 3 different kinds of apples look, smell, and taste, and of course choosing which one was our favourites; then we put the results in a graph.  The favourite in SK-A was Golden Delicious and the favourite in SK-B was Red Delicious.  They have also been talking about les pommes en francais…. Madame Maryse will share more about that later.

Today, JK and SK participated in a special Tashlich ceremony in preparation for Yom Kippur.  We gathered in the front yard, read the story “Tashlich at Turtle Rock”, and then each child drew a picture of something they wanted to throw away from this past year.  Then they balled up their drawings and threw them into the water to enter the New Year with a clean slate.  Thank you to Morah Susan and Morah Jaqui for organizing this meaningful activity.

In case you missed it, the video of our SK Back to School Night presentation and the slideshow are now uploaded to the “Back to School Night Videos” tab at the top of the Blog’s main page (and linked here for easy access now)…. Apologies that Morah Jaqui’s section is not in the video, but you can review the slides provided and send any questions you may have her way.  Thanks to everyone who was able to join us.  Once again, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to any of us!!


Monday, Sept. 25 – Yom Kippur (NO SCHOOL)

Tuesday, Sept. 26 – OJCS Terry Fox Run

Friday, Sept. 29 – Orange Shirt (Dress Down) Day

Shabbat Shalom and G’mar Chatima Tovah!

Posted in Reading, Reminders

Reading Buddies has begun… and some other important info

Today, SK got to participate in an OJCS tradition from pre-COVID times – we had our first meeting with our Grade 5 Reading Buddies!!  Each child is paired with one or two Grade 5 students and every two weeks, we will meet in the library to read together (in English & Hebrew!!), get to know each other, and to participate in some fun, community-building activities.  Be sure to ask your child to tell you about their time in the library today!!

Starting next week, we will be returning to another pre-COVID tradition of asking our SK families to provide challah for our weekly Shabbat celebrations.  As part of our weekly classroom jobs, we have a Chazan or Chazanit Hashavuah who helps lead the tefillot and our Kabbalat Shabbat.  We will be asking that each child bring a challah on their assigned Friday to share with their friends.  You will receive an email from Morah Andréa on the Monday before your child’s designated Shabbat.  In order to follow the school’s kashrut policy, the challah must be kosher, sealed with a hechsher and nut-free.  We recommend the challot from Loblaws College Square, Metro on Greenbank, or any Farmboy location.  Ordering from A Dashing Pinch or Creative Kosher are also welcomed options.

If you have any questions or concerns….


Friday, Nov. 4 – 3:00 pm Dismissal

Friday, Nov. 11– 2:00 pm Dismissal begins

Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)HAPPY BIRTHDAY Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)

to Zach who turns 5 on November 4th!!