Posted in General Studies, Math, Reminders

SK celebrates 100 Day!!

Yesterday was the 100th day of school and SK spent the day celebrating in many different ways!! We started by reading a story called “William’s 100th Day of School” and then we did a special 100 Day workout – we warmed up by running on the spot for 100 seconds and then did 10 different exercises 10 times each…. Phew!! It was a great way to work out our bodies and our minds, never mind that it helped us practice counting by 10s!  Mr. Ebbs had a special 100 Day colouring project for the class and we spent the rest of the morning counting, measuring and comparing 100 different objects.  Did you know that 100 marbles are heavier than 100 cotton balls? Or that 100 chain links are longer than 100 unifix cubes?  SK does!!  We even had 100 Day activities en francais and ended our day with a 100 Day parade, counting 100 steps around the hallways and showing off our 100 Day crowns.  What a day!! Check out the pictures below from our celebrations….

Don’t forget, we are still looking for prizes for our Purim Carnival, so if you have any unused or unwanted toys at home, please send them into school before next Tuesday!

 Another reminder that next week is Ruach Week at OJCS!! Check out each day’s theme below….


Friday, Mar. 3 – 3:00 pm Dismissal

March 6 – 10 – Ruach Week

Friday, March 10 – 3:00 pm Dismissal

Thursday, March 16 – 2:00 pm Dismissal/PT Interviews

Friday, March 17 – PD Day (NO SCHOOL)/PT Interviews

Posted in General Studies, STEAM

Let’s Talk Science…. Solids, Liquids and Gases

SK spent most of the week inquiring about, observing and experimenting with the States of Matter.  We listed different examples of each state and learned their properties through activities and songs; we experimented with mixing more solids and liquids to create gases and documented our observations.  We even built a mini snowman and then watched to see how water can actually shift from one state of matter to another (snow, water, water vapour).  Below are some of the videos and songs we watched in class to enhance our learning and some pictures as well.

We culminated our learning by participating in another super fun Let’s Talk Science lab with Farah and Madalina from the University of Ottawa  AND we got to do our experiments in the OJCS Makerspace!!  The kids were introduced to everyday liquids and solids to determine their properties.  They used their hands and senses to explore different liquids, like water, oil and corn syrup, and then poured them out to see the differences between them.  Then they did a cool experiment where we mixed solids with water to see whether or not they would dissolve and ended with another experiment where we mixed solids (baking powder and sugar) with water to create a gas….. the kids loved experiencing this neat reaction and it sparked some really interesting questions…. make sure to ask your child what they observed and learned in Science this week!!

Move Like Matter Dance:

Matter Chatter Song:

3 States of Matter Song:


Fridays (from now until early March) – 2:00 pm Dismissal

Monday, Feb. 6 – Tu B’Shevat

Thursday, Feb. 16 – OJCS Winter Fun Day

Friday, Feb. 17 – PD Day (NO SCHOOL)

Monday, Feb. 20 – Friday, Feb. 24 – Family Day/Reading Week (NO SCHOOL)

Posted in General Studies, Math

Introducing IXL

IXL Online Math Forum

IXL is an online forum that provides diagnostics of learning skills, promotes review, mastery and extensions of skills through practice, as well as providing students, teachers, and parents valuable information on student’s progress through grade data points.  We have just introduced IXL in the classroom and there will be a handout in your child’s backpack today that explains how to log in with your child’s login and password; if you need a reminder or have not received the handout, please contact Morah Andrea.  We will continue to use this program in class, but practice time at home is also encouraged! For a more in-depth tutorial on how to set up the program for your child as well as highlights of the program, check out these blog posts from our Math specialist, Mrs. Cleveland:

IXL: Online Math Forum for Personalized Learning

IXL: Four Highlights to Understand



Fridays (from now until early March) – 2:00 pm Dismissal

Thursday, Dec. 8 & Friday, Dec. 9 – Parent-Teacher Interviews (2:00 Dismissal on Thursday and NO SCHOOL on Friday)

Tuesday, Dec. 20 @ 6:30 pm – OJCS Family Chanukah Celebration

Friday, Dec. 23 – Pyjama/Dress Down Day

Posted in General Studies, STEAM

SKs are Germ Busting Super-Soapers!!!

Now say that 5 times fast!!

It’s that time of year where germs seem to be more prevalent than ever and many of our friends in SK have been sick over the last few weeks, so we thought it was a perfect time to talk about how we can avoid spreading germs and tie it all into some sensory & scientific exploration…..

Yesterday, the kids participated in the Magic Finger (or Pepper Germs) experiment.  After sprinkling pepper (germs) over some water in a shallow dish, we investigated what happened to the pepper when we dabbed it first with our finger and then what happened when we put a little bit of soap on our finger.  We even tested different types of soap to see which worked the best…. the results were indeed like magic, so make sure to ask your child all about it!!

Today, we spent time learning how to properly wash our hands to make sure we are keeping the germs away…. we even did a special experiment with Glo-Germ Gel and a black light to see if they were scrubbing hard enough!!  The kids got to see for themselves how proper hand-washing can make germs disappear and they are all Germ Busting Super-Soapers now!!

A friendly reminder about the email that was sent to parents last week regarding our school’s sick policy:

We have many children coming to school sick.  If your child has any symptoms, the screening tool will indicate that they must remain at home and self-isolate until their symptoms have been improved for at least 24 hours (48 hours if there was nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea), and they must of course be fever free.  If your child is sick, please test them for COVID as we have several active cases.
Anyone away due to COVID must mask upon their return for 10 days following the first day their symptoms presented.  This also applies to siblings.
I will ask as well that if your child should be masked due to illness or if would like your child to be masked at school, please let the SK team know so that we can ensure that those who require masks are wearing them during the day.  Thank you so much in advance for your cooperation and support in keeping our school community as healthy as possible!!
Posted in General Studies, STEAM

Let’s Talk Science…. Fat, Fur, and Feathers

Today was a very exciting day in Senior Kindergarten.  We had special guests join our class and lead us in a Let’s Talk Science lab. Farah and Madalina, Science students from the University of Ottawa, led us in a discussion about how different animals get ready for winter and the SK students are already experts thanks to the many books we have read and the activities we have done in class.  They told Farah and Madalina that many animals adapt to get ready for the cold weather by eating a lot of food to gain more fat or by growing thicker fur or feathers to stay warm.  The kids asked great questions and knew a lot of answers to the questions they were asked.  Then we experimented with Fat (vegetable shortening in a baggie), Fur (faux, of course!) and Feathers to see which kept their hands the warmest when touching ice.  The students were so engaged and enthusiastic as they tried different combinations to see which would keep their hands warm…. the combo of fat and fur was the clear winner.  Thanks to Farah and Madalina for leading this special, super-fun experience!  We can’t wait to do it again in the winter!

Speaking of getting ready for winter, now that the snow has officially arrived, we thought we should clarify our Outdoor Play plan for the winter months.  We will continue having our morning drop-off and recess on the playground, so please ensure that your child comes to school dressed appropriately.  However, if it is colder than -18, with or without the windchill, we will not be venturing outdoors (we will be using the Weather Network to determine the temperature if you want to check before leaving the house).  As with rainy days, if there are no teachers on the playground after the bell rings at 8:30, please bring your child to the front door for drop-off.  While we will strive to get outside as much as possible, we will take advantage of the gym or other indoor physical activities when the weather is not cooperating.


Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)HAPPY BIRTHDAY Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)

to Esti and Sari who turned 5 on November 17th!!


Fridays (from now until early March) – 2:00 pm Dismissal

Thursday, Nov. 24 – Dress Down Day supporting the Ottawa Humane Society

Friday, Nov. 25 – PD DAY – NO SCHOOL

Posted in Reading, Reminders

Reading Buddies has begun… and some other important info

Today, SK got to participate in an OJCS tradition from pre-COVID times – we had our first meeting with our Grade 5 Reading Buddies!!  Each child is paired with one or two Grade 5 students and every two weeks, we will meet in the library to read together (in English & Hebrew!!), get to know each other, and to participate in some fun, community-building activities.  Be sure to ask your child to tell you about their time in the library today!!

Starting next week, we will be returning to another pre-COVID tradition of asking our SK families to provide challah for our weekly Shabbat celebrations.  As part of our weekly classroom jobs, we have a Chazan or Chazanit Hashavuah who helps lead the tefillot and our Kabbalat Shabbat.  We will be asking that each child bring a challah on their assigned Friday to share with their friends.  You will receive an email from Morah Andréa on the Monday before your child’s designated Shabbat.  In order to follow the school’s kashrut policy, the challah must be kosher, sealed with a hechsher and nut-free.  We recommend the challot from Loblaws College Square, Metro on Greenbank, or any Farmboy location.  Ordering from A Dashing Pinch or Creative Kosher are also welcomed options.

If you have any questions or concerns….


Friday, Nov. 4 – 3:00 pm Dismissal

Friday, Nov. 11– 2:00 pm Dismissal begins

Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)HAPPY BIRTHDAY Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)

to Zach who turns 5 on November 4th!!

Posted in General Studies, STEAM

Global Maker Day 2022

October 20, 2022 was #GlobalMakerDay and the Senior Kindergarten kids certainly rose to the challenge!!

After celebrating Simchat Torah earlier this week, the kids were tasked with making their own torahs out of recycled materials.  They painted their own torah covers, rolled them onto their “scrolls” and added straws for the handles.  We are so excited to start the Torah over again this Shabbat and hear the first of many Parashat Hashavuah tomorrow!!

After listening to a Virtual Storytime with Miss Brigitte, who read “Be a Maker” by Katey Howes, we introduced 3  different Maker Day challenges that the kids could choose between: creating a dinosaur (or other creature), building a bridge, or constructing a tower.  Using all of the recycled materials that we’ve been collecting (we nearly covered the entire carpet with stuff!!!), each child completed the challenge and they were super proud of what they accomplished.  The innovation and imagination in our classroom was astounding!!!  Make sure to ask your child about their creation!


Friday, Oct. 28 – Dress Down Day and 3:00 pm Dismissal begins

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!!

Posted in General Studies, Reminders, STEAM

We Need Your Recycled Goods!

Hi SK families,

We need your recycled goods!

We are collecting items for the OJCS Global Maker Day coming up on October 20th. We are looking for any cardboard boxes (think cereal boxes), toilet paper tubes, paint stir sticks, popsicle sticks, and plastic tubs (think yogurt pots, sour cream tubs – clean, please!) or any other items that may help with our creativity.  The class that brings in the most recycled items will win a prize!!


Monday, Oct. 17 & Tuesday, Oct. 18 – NO SCHOOL for Simchat Torah

Friday, Oct. 28 – 3:00 pm Dismissal begins

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!!

Posted in General Studies, Reading, STEAM

On International Dot Day, SK Made Their Mark

On September 15, 2022, the kids in SK celebrated International Dot Day!!!  If you’re not sure what International Dot Day is all about, here’s a little explanation:

September 15th marks the anniversary of the publication of best-selling author/illustrator Peter H. Reynolds’ The Dot, a “story book for all ages.”

Starting in 2009, a group of educators began celebrating this date as International Dot Day — a day for classes to explore the story’s powerful themes: bravery, creativity, and self-expression.

The Dot tells the story of a caring teacher who reaches a reluctant student in a remarkably creative way. In Peter’s book, the teacher dares a very resistant Vashti to “make her mark.” Vashti’s breakthrough begins with a simple dot on a piece of paper. Encouraged by her teacher she sets off on a journey of self-discovery, letting her creativity bloom and, ultimately, inspire others.

from The Educator’s Handbook for International Dot Day

To mark this special day yesterday, after reading the book, the kids got to explore their own creativity by making their own unique dot.  They experimented with colour mixing by using markers on coffee filters and then spraying them with water at the Saturation Station.  They also drew their own special masterpieces to make their mark.  We listened to and watched a video of the “The Dot Song” written by Emily Arrow and Peter H. Reynolds…. you can watch the video and do the actions at home here.

The school year may have just begun, but the kids in Senior Kindergarten have already made their mark in a big way!!  Check out the pictures below and then keep scrolling for some important upcoming dates!!!


Wednesday, Sept. 21 – Back to School Night at 7:00 pm (in person!!)

Friday, Sept. 23 – OJCS Terry Fox Run

Monday, Sept. 26 & Tuesday, Sept. 27 – Rosh Hashanah (NO SCHOOL)

Friday, Sept. 30 – Dress Down in an Orange Shirt for National Day for Truth & Reconciliation. All proceeds from loonies and toonies will go to the Orange Shirt Society.

Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)HAPPY BIRTHDAY Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)

Belated wishes to Evie who turned 5 on September 2nd

Belated wishes to Aliza who turned 5 on September 5th

and to Mason who turns 5 on September 23rd!!

Posted in Chagim, General Studies, Jewish Studies

Mapping Out Our World….

Over the last little while, Senior Kindergarten has been exploring maps and how we use them to find our way around.  We have compared maps and globes, discovered how symbols can help us to read maps through a variety of in-class activities, and learned about the Cardinal Directions, North, East, South and West.  Many of you may remember using “Never Eat Shredded Wheat” to help recall the different directions, but the SK kids have an updated version, so make sure to ask them about it!!!  To culminate our learning, today they followed a map and directional clues to complete a Scavenger Hunt around the school.  They worked together to find and decipher the 8 clues and received a special sweet treat as their treasure at the end.  Way to go, SK!!

This week, we also celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut or Israel’s Independence Day.

In Israel, people celebrate all over the country beginning in the evening with a special torch lighting, fireworks, and street parties.  The next day people get together for barbeques on the beach or in parks. Many people dress in blue and white (kachol ve’ lavan), the colours of the flag, and eat special foods like hummus, falafel, pita, kababs, watermelon, Bamba, and Israeli salad. There is folk dancing and lots of music, including special concerts.

Many people think that Israel is a desert, but although it is tiny, the country has many different parts and when you travel through it you see that Israel has everything from busy cities, to beaches, mountains, deserts, and lakes.  In connection with our maps unit, SK spent time collaboratively creating a ripped-paper mosaic map of Israel to show the different landscapes this beautiful country has to offer.

We had so much celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut with the whole school and participating in activities with Grade 1.  From making pita to beading bracelets, singing songs to eating cupcakes, SK loved every second!!

Wishing all of the SK moms a very Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday!!

Don’t forget that Monday, May 9th is Generations Day.  Your child should bring something to school that reminds them of their grandparents/special guest(s) for our special Generations Day Show & Tell!!