Posted in Francais, French Studies

French Booklets

Hi everyone!

As I mentioned last night, your child came home this week with a “book” containing words with the sound O. Many of the kids can “read” through it and identify the words. This activity is a vocabulary activity and I do not expect the kids to read or sound out any of the words. If you get the chance, ask them to read you their book. They are very proud when they can say all the words!

In the coming weeks, you will find more of these books in their note-totes as we work on other vowels.

Thank you!


Mme Sophie

Posted in Francais, French Studies

Do-Re-Mi… les chansons en français!


One of my favourite things about Kitah Gan is how much they love to sing and dance. Here is a selection of songs we have been singing as part of our French circle!

Bonjour mes amis:

Sur le pont d’Avignon:

Pomme de reinette et pomme d’api

Frère Jacques :

Les jours de la semaine:

Quel temps fait-it aujourd’hui?:

Les chiffres de 1-100:

Les saisons:

Les vêtements:


Posted in Francais, French Studies

Our colour caterpillars are coming home!

Kitah Gan have been learning les couleurs en français (colours in French)! We started our learning every day by listening to a song about different coloured objects!

Each day we would add a new colour! In addition to the colours in the song (rouge, vert, bleu, jaune, orange, noir), we have also learned: violet, rose, brun, gris, et blanc.

In class, we read, La Petite Chenille Qui Fait des Trous (The Very Hungry Caterpillar), and began building our very own colour caterpillars! They’ve been growing and growing… And today they are coming home!