Posted in Francais, French Studies

Do-Re-Mi… les chansons en français!


One of my favourite things about Kitah Gan is how much they love to sing and dance. Here is a selection of songs we have been singing as part of our French circle!

Bonjour mes amis:

Sur le pont d’Avignon:

Pomme de reinette et pomme d’api

Frère Jacques :

Les jours de la semaine:

Quel temps fait-it aujourd’hui?:

Les chiffres de 1-100:

Les saisons:

Les vêtements:


Posted in General Studies, Reading

Reading Buddy Bonding!

Last week, Kindergarten students were introduced to their Grade 6 reading buddies!


Every week, we’ll be pairing up to practice our reading and listening skills. It was so much fun to welcome our new friends into our class! We can’t wait for next week!



Posted in Francais, French Studies

Our colour caterpillars are coming home!

Kitah Gan have been learning les couleurs en français (colours in French)! We started our learning every day by listening to a song about different coloured objects!

Each day we would add a new colour! In addition to the colours in the song (rouge, vert, bleu, jaune, orange, noir), we have also learned: violet, rose, brun, gris, et blanc.

In class, we read, La Petite Chenille Qui Fait des Trous (The Very Hungry Caterpillar), and began building our very own colour caterpillars! They’ve been growing and growing… And today they are coming home!