Posted in General Studies, Math, Reminders

SK Measures Up!

Over the last few weeks, SK students have been busy investigating and exploring the concept of measurement!!  We started by using non-standard units of measurement to measure and compare the length, height, and width of different objects found around our classroom.  We even had a special Measurement Hunt where the kids chose different objects around the room to measure with their chosen unit of measurement (cubes, legos, paperclips, shoes, etc.) and then they documented their findings in a chart.  We also had the opportunity to try measuring with rulers and many students were able to find the measurements quite accurately!!  We also explored others types of measurement such as weight, capacity and temperature; through sensory and hands-on experiments, the kids compared a variety of objects and determined if they were heavy or light, empty or full, hot or cold, and so on.  Check out the photos below…

This Friday, June 21st is our last Dress Down Day of the year!  We will be collecting tzedakah for the Ottawa Kosher Food Bank.  Don’t forget your loonies and toonies!!

The temperatures this week will be quite hot, so please ensure that your child wears a hat to school, brings at least one water bottle, and is dressed appropriately for the weather!  Feel free to send sunscreen as well and we will help the kids to apply it.  We will, of course, make decisions based on the temperature if it is too hot to be outdoors and have alternate indoor programming to stay cool.

Next Tuesday, June 25th, SK will be having a special Beach Day to celebrate the end of our year together.  The kids should come to school in their summer best, please bring a bathing suit and towel for some water play, and we will have other special activities and treats!!

As we wrap up our year together in SK, we will be sending home the kids’ work and other things at school between now and next Wednesday.  If you know that your child will be ending the year a few days early, please let us know so that we can ensure that everything gets where it needs to go!


Friday, June 21 – Dress Down Day for the Ottawa Kosher Food Bank

Tuesday, June 25 – Beach Day

Wednesday, June 26 – Last Day of School (NOON DISMISSAL)

Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)HAPPY BIRTHDAYParty Popper Emoji (U+1F389)

to Tammar who turned 6 on June 9th

to Charlie who turned 6 on June 11th

and to Jordyn who turned 6 on June 14th!!

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