Posted in Reminders

OJCS Maccabiah Games this Friday!!

We’re so excited that we’re back to enjoying Maccabiah together and in person! This exciting day is on Friday, JUNE 10th, and is going to be a great day of teamwork, friendship, and sportsmanship.
One of the components of Maccabiah is fundraising – where our students reach out to family members and friends to ask them to support their team! This year we’re hoping that each family (not student) can raise $100 – which goes directly to support OJCS scholarships. As a special incentive, the CLASS that raises the most will win a special FREAKY FRIDAY on June 17! Popsicles? A third recess? PJ day? Movie day? A dance party? It’ll be up to them! We hope the kids will call aunts/uncles/grandparents and others who may want to support their efforts to not only support our school, but to help them win that exciting Freaky Friday prize.
The Maccabiah theme is year is Movies and SK is on TEAM BLUE – Luca…. simply click on that link and share it with friends and family to collect donations in support of OJCS and to help our class win a Freaky Friday!!
Don’t forget to wear BLUE on Friday and get ready for an awesome, ruach-filled day!!!