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Our Seders & Caught Being Kind

I am so proud of the work, learning and enthusiasm of our Kindergarten students.

Not only did they blow us away during our model seders (as I’m sure they will at home for the real ones), but they have shown amazing growth in social skills during our Caught Being Kind initiative.

What does it mean to be caught being kind?

It is when students are noticed by their peers or a teacher doing what is right, helping a friend, being extra polite, being a leader, and going the extra mile to make someone else feel good.

Here in Kindergarten, we have been caught in many ways including helping zip our friends’ coats, giving compliments, helping to clean up after an activity, making cards, pictures, or necklaces for our classmates and teachers, following our classroom rules and showing exemplary behaviour.

Students were acknowledged both in the moment and at the end of the week with a special visit from Mrs. Gordon. She presented them with a golden heart and certificate of kindness.

Kol Ha’Kavod Yelladim!

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