Posted in Reminders, Special Events

Last Day of School Tomorrow!!!

It is hard to believe that we are actually at the end of the year and I am writing this blog post…. What a year we have had in SK.  I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to share in a small snippet of your amazing kids’ lives and I look forward to watching them grow as they move up through the grades here at the OJCS!!

There is a lot of work and other stuff being sent home today, so please ensure to empty your child’s backpack tonight as we have more to send tomorrow.

Another reminder that dismissal tomorrow is at 12:00 pm.  If there are any changes to your child’s usual end of day transportation, please let us know.

Check out these highlights for our SK Beach Day:

Party Popper Emoji (U+1F389)HAPPY BIRTHDAYParty Popper Emoji (U+1F389)

to Felix who turns 6 on June 27th

and to Wesley who turns 6 on June 29th!!

Stay tuned for the “SK Summer Review” blog post coming later this week which will include links to websites, resources, games, and other activities for your child to engage in at home this summer.

Lastly, on behalf of the whole SK team, I want to thank all of you for the immense support you have provided to both your children and to us, the morahs, through this wonderful Senior Kindergarten year. It has meant so much to us to watch your children learn and grow through our time together. Thank you for sharing them with us!!

Have a fabulous and fun summer!!

Morah Andréa

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