Posted in General Studies

In November, we remember…..

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month…..

KA and KB have spent some time over the last week learning about Remembrance Day and why it is such an important day.  We read stories about being brave and courageous, we talked about the men and women who made sure and continue to ensure that Canada is safe and free, and we learned why we wear poppies as a symbol on this day.  Of course, we crafted poppies of all kinds!!

The kids learned a poem called Little Poppy and were featured in our Remembrance Day virtual assembly (you may have heard them practicing it at home)…. In case you missed the assembly, you can watch our video by clicking the link below:

Little Poppy by KA & KB – Large

If your child forgot to bring in some tzedakah for their poppy today, you can still send it in tomorrow!!

Lest we forget….