Posted in General Studies

Celebrating Inclusion in Kindergarten

February is Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). It is a unified effort from Jewish organizations worldwide to raise awareness and foster acceptance and inclusion of peoples with disabilities and mental health conditions.  This aligns perfectly with one of the OJCS North Stars: Each person is responsible for the other.

In the spirit of this month, we wanted share how both Kindergarten classes start their mornings. We sing O Canada, of course, but did you know that they have learned how to sing our national anthem using American Sign Language??? Check out the video below to see the kids in action….

We have also spent some time talking about what makes each of us unique and how we should celebrate these differences, but also treat everyone equally with kindness and respect.  It was so amazing to have the students share their special talents and abilities during Show & Tell yesterday.  Thank you so much for helping your kids to prepare and for sharing videos; we were treated to a variety of skills, from dancing, singing, and playing piano to completing mazes, building Lego creations, and everything in between.  We certainly got to see what makes each of these kids shine in their own unique way!!

When we return to school after the break, it is OJCS Ruach Week!!  Check out the poster below for all of the theme days and get ready to bring some ruach to our classes…..

Have a restful break and stay safe everyone!!