Posted in General Studies, STEAM

SKs are Germ Busting Super-Soapers!!!

Now say that 5 times fast!!

It’s that time of year where germs seem to be more prevalent than ever and many of our friends in SK have been sick over the last few weeks, so we thought it was a perfect time to talk about how we can avoid spreading germs and tie it all into some sensory & scientific exploration…..

Yesterday, the kids participated in the Magic Finger (or Pepper Germs) experiment.  After sprinkling pepper (germs) over some water in a shallow dish, we investigated what happened to the pepper when we dabbed it first with our finger and then what happened when we put a little bit of soap on our finger.  We even tested different types of soap to see which worked the best…. the results were indeed like magic, so make sure to ask your child all about it!!

Today, we spent time learning how to properly wash our hands to make sure we are keeping the germs away…. we even did a special experiment with Glo-Germ Gel and a black light to see if they were scrubbing hard enough!!  The kids got to see for themselves how proper hand-washing can make germs disappear and they are all Germ Busting Super-Soapers now!!

A friendly reminder about the email that was sent to parents last week regarding our school’s sick policy:

We have many children coming to school sick.  If your child has any symptoms, the screening tool will indicate that they must remain at home and self-isolate until their symptoms have been improved for at least 24 hours (48 hours if there was nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea), and they must of course be fever free.  If your child is sick, please test them for COVID as we have several active cases.
Anyone away due to COVID must mask upon their return for 10 days following the first day their symptoms presented.  This also applies to siblings.
I will ask as well that if your child should be masked due to illness or if would like your child to be masked at school, please let the SK team know so that we can ensure that those who require masks are wearing them during the day.  Thank you so much in advance for your cooperation and support in keeping our school community as healthy as possible!!