Posted in Jewish Studies

Letters Shin & Sin (שׁ & שׂ)

Shavua Tov!

Our Hebrew letters of the week are…Shin & Sin!

They are like twins… but Shin has a dot on the right, and Sin has a dot on the left.

It will help you to remember if you think of the Shema. When we say it we cover our eyes with our right hand (yad yamin) that is the same for Shin. Shin also rhymes with yamin.

Shin makes a sound like when you want someone to be quiet, shhh! It sounds like this:

Sin makes a sound like a snake hissing, it sounds like this:

Now let’s make שׁ & שׂ with our bodies!

This is how we make a Shin:

This is how we make a Sin:

Now let’s print them on paper:

Here is this week’s work for the letter sin (we started the year with Shin for Shalom so it was already done at school!).

Remember that you can work on it at your own pace.

When you are done, please take a picture and send it to:

To learn more about the letters shin and sin including Hebrew reading practice, play this week’s assigned aleph bet game on JiTap: Shin says Shema and Sin likes to sing


Posted in Jewish Studies

Letter Resh

Shavua Tov Yeadim!

Our Hebrew letter of the week is…Resh!

It will help you to remember the letter resh if you think of it like the Hebrew “R” only the “rrr” sound it makes is more in your throat like this:

Now stand up and make the letter resh with your body:


This is how we print the letter resh:


Now let’s practice on paper:

Here is your work for the letter resh. Remember that you can work on it at your own pace.

When you are done, please take a picture and send it to:

To learn more about the letter resh, play this week’s assigned aleph bet game on JiTap: Resh rushes to be rosh