Posted in Jewish Studies

ראש השנה מגיע…Rosh Hashanah is Coming…

The holidays are quickly approaching and we have been busy as bees learning about them in the Gan.

We are speaking about what it means…literally “the head of the year” or the beginning of a new year and why that is so important. It is a time when we can think about the old year and try to make the new year even better.

The mitzvot of  Tashlich, Teshuvah, and Tzedakah.

What we do…go to synagogue to pray, give charity, listen to the shofar, eat apples dipped in honey, symbolically throw away the bad things we did so that we can start the new year fresh, give greeting cards, say “Shanah Tovah”, and have a festive meal.

Plus, don’t forget all of the special foods we eat.

Some new vocabulary we have been practicing are:

תפוח -apple

חלה עגולה -round challah



ראש של דג-head of a fish




We have also been learning a traditional Hebrew song.

Shanah halcha, shanah ba’ah
Ani kapai arimah;
Shanah tovah lecha, Aba,
Shanah tovah lach, Ima,
Shanah tovah, shana tovah!

You can listen at home here:


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