Posted in General Studies

Planning Board Up and Running!

Our Planning Board is up and running!  As we begin the journey of living one of  the North Stars of the OJCS, the Kindergarten Class has begun by Owning Their Own Learning. This board allows the children (with a bit of my input) to choose what their choice of learning through play for that day will be. Each child picks an activity of their choice and places it into their name pocket. There’s so much variety on the board such as writing stories, drama and storytelling with puppets, blocks of different kinds where math is used to design, house corner where some of the best learning happens by writing grocery lists, menus, and ideas that your children will enquire and discover that I have not seen yet. There are math games,  word games, woodworking, cut and paste, painting, and our Daily Five for Literacy built into the board as well.  As we navigate through discovering all the exciting centres, I will document for you through the blog what the children have been doing. Sometimes a picture alone can capture the learning. A nature walk is planned for this week ( I’ll be looking at the weather and hopefully we can find a nice sunny day) where we will look at the trees and the foliage and discover lots from what we see and find in the world around us. This will lead us to some great questions that we can bring  back into our classroom.

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