Posted in General Studies

Flipgrid at Home !

Hello Kindergarten Parents!

As most of you may have heard/seen by now from previous blog posts, the students have completed a few activities in class using a computer application called, Flipgrid.

A few of the students have expressed interest in using Flipgrid for activities at home as well, as they often use their Ipads/Laptops for educational activities.

In response to this, I’ve created a Flipgrid called, “Books I’m Reading at Home”.

With your assistance, students can sign into Flipgrid using the information provided below. They can then enter the Flipcode to open the, “Books I’m Reading at Home” grid, and record grid videos about some of their favourite stories.

Go to:
Enter Flipcode:   ojcskindergarten
Select: Login with Google
Enter: Email –
Password – flipgrid4k

Select: “Books I’m Reading at Home” grid

Tap to Record (the green icon at the bottom of the grid)

Record a video about your favourite book to share with your classmates!

Here are some of the questions I have posted to help the Kindergartens talk about their favourite books once they have finished reading:

1. What was your favourite part of the story and why?
2. Are you like any of the characters in this book?
3. If you were the author how would you change the story?

Once students have posted their vidoes, other students in our K1 and K2 classes can view their classmate’s videos to see what their favourite books are, hopefully inspiring them to read these books as well!

I’m hoping this activity will build on student comprehension, as well as make reading interactive and fun for each and every student!

Posted in Jewish Studies

Learning Shemot

2019 came along with a new Book of the Torah…Shemot! At OJCS Gan 1 and 2 are fast tracking to catch up with the weekly Parasha which means an intensive look at the story of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt. To accompany Parashat Shmot, we are making a special craft…baby Moses floating in the Nile. The yelladim are making connections to Pesach and building on their previous knowledge. We are naming and counting the 10 plagues (מכות) and using many new Hebrew words in the process. A great start to a new calendar year!